So, this is my second time writing this. I’m not sure what happened the first time, but a majority of my project just vanished right before I was going to finish it. Not cool. Regardless, what I have is what I have, so I’m just going to work with what I’ve got. Hello reader, this portfolio was filled with tears and an unhealthy amount of caffeine at times, so I probably should have been sleeping. This contains a few blurbs on important contexts and my rants on three characters I hold near and dear to me. I chose this website format to purposely make everything easier to digest and seek out, so approach with the intent of getting information in small bites. Considering my open Queerness and my willingness to talk about my experience with autism, you will find my experiences influencing my work or being discussed within. Just read the short context blurbs, and you’ll be golden. I am not going to sugarcoat it: I discuss some sensitive topics, which includes slurs and discussions of some religious trauma (no seriously who tells an 8 year old they're going to hell???). Just click on each link individually and just use the page back arrow to go back on some of them.